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Rose Art, Victorian Art, Original Art, Wood Wall Decor, Vintage Art

In the heart of a forgotten garden, where shadows danced with whispers of secrets untold, a masterpiece emerged. Against a backdrop as dark as midnight, red roses blazed with fiery passion, their petals etched into the wood with delicate precision. Beside them, pink coral tulips swayed with grace, their hues soft yet commanding. And there, in a silver dish, an artichoke stood regal, its leaves a testament to resilience. Each stroke of watercolor, acrylic, and colored pencil breathed life into the scene, weaving a tale of contrasts—of beauty and darkness, fragility and strength. In this artwork, nature's whispers found their voice.

I created this piece by wood-burning the lines on basswood. Then using layers of watercolor, acrylic, and colored pencils to bring the piece to life. A sawtooth hanger is attached for an easy wall installation.

Size: 12” width x 12” height x 0.75” depth

Rose Art, Victorian Art, Original Art, Wood Wall Decor, Vintage Art

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